Police & Crime Commissioner's Data Hub
Supporting Openness and Transparency
Update: The new Police & Crime Plan 2025-28 is due to launch shortly. The Data Hub will be updated to reflect new priorities and activity.
Police & Crime Commissioner for Surrey, Lisa Townsend, believes that residents should have access to key data concerning both her office and Surrey Police. We have therefore developed this Data Hub to provide the public with convenient access to data in a format that can be easily understood.
All the data on this site is made available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, allowing you to use any information freely and flexibly, with only a few conditions. Crime volume and outcome data is updated monthly, with other datasets updated as and when available. Each chart can be viewed online, downloaded as an image or the data extracted in .csv format.
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Some recently added datasets to get you started!
Violence Against Women & Girls
Emergency & Non-Emergency Response Times
Anti-Social Behaviour Mapping
Delivery of Government Police Officer Uplift